Business as Usual for Christchurch Accountants

Following the announcement by our Prime Minister on Saturday that a second lockdown will start today we wanted to write to you to let you know how Christchurch Accountants LLP will respond to the challenges that this may bring.

As a firm we have followed government instruction and advice since mid-March.

We have, these past months and shall continue going forward receive books and records and to speak with clients by agreed appointment times.

Our colleagues remain working from home via our remote server. This will continue for the foreseeable future.

There are occasions where a physical meeting is necessary. This can be discussed and planned in advance by agreement.

Throughout the coming weeks please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns where we can assist you.

Our message to all our clients, is that we are very much open for business as usual.


Year ended 5 April 2020 tax returns


Government Grant Extension for the Self-Employed